Higher education abroad
Higher education abroad
University Admission
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Together, we can make
your dream a reality

You got accepted»

Admission to a leading university or college doesn’t happen by accident. Dreams are realized when a student is supported by a committed team of experts to enlighten, engage, and encourage them along the way. From the first consultation our team is devoted to finding what inspires each and every student. Together we identify strengths, aspirations, and goals. We consider character and personality traits. This information is then used to pinpoint which university or programs may best suit the needs of the student. And, this is just the beginning, we assist with admission preparation, portfolio development, motivation letter crafting, visa processing, and much more!
Admission to a leading university or college doesn’t happen by accident. Dreams are realized when a student is supported by a committed team of experts to enlighten, engage, and encourage them along the way. From the first consultation our team is devoted to finding what inspires each and every student. Together we identify strengths, aspirations, and goals. We consider character and personality traits. This information is then used to pinpoint which university or programs may best suit the needs of the student. And, this is just the beginning, we assist with admission preparation, portfolio development, motivation letter crafting, visa processing, and much more!
Potential savings
In the first year of study online , you can save up to $ 50,000

Educate Online features

Guaranteed internship
You will be able to complete an internship in various specialties, such as Business, Computer Science and IT, Creative Design&Fashion, Engineering, Entrepreneurship&Startups, Finance and others
A lot of partner universities
We cooperate with more than 50 universities around the world
You can study both offline (on-campus) or take an online (fully online or blended) program

Choose a convenient format of study

Enroll in university abroad for an online program (if you wish, you can continue your studies offline).
Admission to university abroad. Guaranteed enrollment in partner universities.
Bachelor \ Master \ MBA
Bachelor \ Master \ MBA

Our students and parents agree that a university education in the US, UK or Canada, leads to:

An open mind. Students will attend lectures with classmates from around the world. They will be exposed to a variety of different viewpoints and experiences.

Networking. Having a global group of peers leads to more opportunities in the future for career and travel opportunities.
Knowledge. A university is a hive of activity and inspiration. From clubs, to student government, to volunteer work in a research lab, there is something for everyone to get involved and reach new heights.

Independence. Attending a university or college away from your hometown, allows students to become independent and as a result have greater confidence.

Internships. Universities in the US, UK and Canada prioritize active learning. Internship availability is expansive.
Educate Online cooperates with more than 50 leading universities worldwide
Illinois State University
Normal, Illinois, USA
University of Birmingham
Birmingham, West Midlands, England, UK
Arizona State University
Tempe, Arizona, USA
University of Glasgow
Glasgow, Scotland, UK
University of Surrey
Guildford, Surrey, England
Nottingham Trent University
Nottingham, England, UK
Newcastle University
Newcastle upon Tyne, Tyne and Wear, England
University of York
Heslington, York, England
University of Arizona
Tucson, Arizona, USA
Pace University
New York , USA
American University
Washington, USA
University of Illinois Chicago
Chicago, Illinois, USA

Guaranteed Admission

An Educate Online student is guaranteed enrolment
to one of our 50 partner universities in the US and UK

Your journey with Educate Online

Introductory meeting
We will get to know the student, including their strengths, academic level, and program or university goals.
Deeper Dive
During the second meeting, we will dive further to determine what inspires the student and what dreams they have for the future.
Admissions Plan
Together we will develop a step-by-step admissions plan for the student including deadlines

Dream University List
A top 3 list of universities for the student including location, programs, ranking, security, employment opportunities, lifestyle, and more.
Academic Preparation
At this point, we will recommend programs to the student that will better their application to university. This may include, academic upgrading, test preparation, tutoring, ESOL, portfolio development, etc.
Document Preparation
Our team will manage the document completion process including any necessary translation.
Document Submission
Our team will assist with submission of documents and answering any questions that may arise in the process.
You’ve been accepted!

Pre-departure Assistance
Moving to another city can be nerve-racking. We will help students to prepare for their journey, including advice on housing, arrangements for travel (vaccinations or entry requirements), medical insurance, cultural readiness, etc.
Arrival on Campus
Your new life begins!

In the news

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How to Manage a Fast-Growing Remote Team
3 Steps to Creating a Profitable Business Idea
Educate Online Raises $4M in Funding
Let's start the admission process together
We'll help you get there
where the child will be cool!