Higher education abroad
Higher education abroad
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Begin your studies at home with our Live technology. Learn from US professors and earn course credits recognized at universities throughout the US and Canada.
American Collegiate Live
About the program:

You can take 1 semester or 2 semesters (full first-year) of a bachelor degree (with guaranteed progression to second-year on-campus with a partner university)

Transferable credits from UMASS Boston University

Mode of study: online — live
You have guaranteed progression into partner universities or you can also apply as a transfer student to any US or Canadian Uni
Smooth transition into a new education system
Significant cost reduction — you are not paying for housing or other living expenses
Easier to get a visa approval
Adelphi University
American University
Auburn University
Cleveland State University
Florida International University
Gonzaga University
Louisiana State University
University of Dayton
University of Illinois, Chicago
University of Kansas
University of Massachusetts, Boston
University of Mississippi
University of South Carolina
University of the Pacific
University of Utah
Boston College
Boston University
DePaul University
Iowa State University
Marquette University
Miami University
Michigan State University
Ohio State University
Oregon State University
Syracuse University
The State University of New York – Stony
University of Central Florida
University of Cincinnati
University of Colorado – Boulder

University of Connecticut
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
University of Iowa
University of Minnesota – Twin Cities
University of Texas – Arlington
…and more
All credits earned within the American Collegiate Live program are taught and transcripted by nationally ranked and regionally accredited universities with wide credit recognition at colleges and universities throughout the United States, Canada, and beyond.

The following are examples of colleges and universities that have evaluated credits earned in American Collegiate Live for transfer and have existing course equivalencies for the curriculum. Please note that the number of credits that are recognized by your destination university may vary based on university, track and English language proficiency.

Universities in bold have confirmed full recognition and transfer of credit-bearing courses in the American Collegiate curriculum.

Recognized Credits
The schedules below are an example of what a student’s schedule might look like, and students should keep in mind that not all courses are offered every semester and schedules may vary based on English language and math placement tests, track, and destination university.
The schedule is in the Eastern Daily Time zone. Students should use a time zone calculator to understand when these courses will be run in your home time zones.
Potential savings by choosing first year online $20.000-$50.000!